Fresh Faves: Batch 82

It's only two weeks since Team Freshnet's newest member reviewed our Fresh Faves for the first time - yet when we had an unexpected vacancy in the reviewer's chair this weekend, he promtply volunteered and rolled up his sleeves. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome back broadcaster, journalist and impressario Sam Bonham It’s only been a few weeks since my last blog post, but Tom asked…

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Fresh Faves: Batch 80

It won't have escaped your notice that we now have two team members called Sam - last week it was longstanding friend and Freshmod  Sam Lee who wrote up our Fresh Faves. This week it's the turn of our latest recruit, BBC Introducing stalwart and all-round good egg Sam Bonham.... Heya. I hope you're well. It is nice to welcome you to FOTN. I'm relatively…

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